The Main Principles
The Care Standards are based on a set of principles. The main principles are dignity, privacy, choice, safety, realising potential and equality and diversity.
DIGNITY - Each service user has the right to:
- Be treated with dignity and respect at all times
- Enjoy a full range of social relationships.
PRIVACY - Each service user has the right:
- To have their personal privacy and property respected
- To conduct their lives free from unnecessary intrusion.
CHOICE - Each service user has the right to:
- Make informed choices about their life and recognise that other service users
- Have the right to do the same
- Be provided with sufficient information to make their choices.
SAFETY - Each service user has the right to:
- Feel safe and secure in their home
- Live their lives free from intimidation and abuse
- Remain safe without being over protected
- Feel secure about their health and well being.
REALISING POTENTIAL - Each service user has the right to:
- Achieve the maximum that they can as an individual
- Maximise the use of resources available to them
- Make the most of their life.
EQUALITY & DIVERSITY - Each service user has the right to:
- Live an independent life which has meaning and personal fulfilment
- Be valued for their diversity, culture, faith, language and ethnic background
- Live in an environment which is free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and abuse
- Complain without fear of victimisation.