Medication Policy
All Care/Support Workers will follow the “Dumfries & Galloway Guidelines for home carers assisting older service users with medication”. The Service User can obtain a copy of this from Head Office. All support workers have a copy of the D & G Guidelines.
All carers have attended training in medication provided by the Care at Home Training Consortium. They also attend ongoing training on medication throughout the year.
Service User will be assessed by their Social Worker as to what level of need they require and this will be included in the Care Plan and be monitored by their support worker. The service user will be assessed at Level A, B,C or D for the type of support they require to take their medication.
Level A – Service User requires no assistance with their medication.
Level B – Service User is responsible for managing their own medication but need help with a variety of tasks, which will be noted in the care plan. Any requests for further help with medication must be reported as soon as possible to the Care/Support Worker/Senior Carer. If extra help is required then the Care/Support Worker must get permission from his/her Supervisor/Senior Carer.
Level C – The Service User who needs Level C Support has been assessed as being unable to manage their own medication. The Service User will require help with the tasks listed as level B tasks but may need additional help with these tasks.
The Service User may also need help to take their medicines properly; In this case the Care/Support Worker will be responsible for either prompting the Service User to take/use medication or for actually administering the medication to the service user at the correct time and in the correct way. The Care/Support Worker will be responsible for ensuring the Service User gets the correct medicine at the correct time.