Aims & Objectives

Mead Medical Services recognises the Principles of Care identified by the Care Inspectorate and is working to ensure that they are upheld at all times.

Mead Medical Services is working to ensure that the service provided should have a positive influence on the service user and that service users rights are promoted at all times.

Our commitment to them means we not only value our service users highly, but that we also constantly help our staff develop their skills and abilities to meet the varied needs of our service users.


Staff are aware of the following:

  • The Care Inspectorate requirements of the building to support a quality service and promote a positive environment for service users
  • The experience, knowledge and understanding required for staff to be employed in the home to meet the needs of service users
  • The need for the management in the home to provide a system which ensures that all legislative requirements are met and that service users rights are promoted.