Healthy Eating

Our kitchen staff offer a different choice of menu each day with nutritionally balanced, appetising meals. Fresh baked cakes and scones are our daily specialities along with fresh fruit and fresh fruit smoothies, which are available at all times.

Our cooks are willing and able to cater for any kind of specific dietary needs that you may need. Special occasions are celebrated in ways which our Service Users expect and appreciate. Many find that meal times are an enjoyable experience when shared in the company of others but also have the option to dine in their own rooms.

We welcome and encourage visits from family and friends and there are no restrictions on visiting hours. If you have visitors, we can provide a meal for them if you tell us in advance, although there is a charge for this. We provide refreshments for visitors at no charge.

 We serve 3 meals a day – breakfast, lunch and a light evening meal.

  •  The timing of breakfast is flexible
  •  Lunch is the main meal of the day
  •  The evening meal is served at a time that you prefer
  •  Light snacks and refreshments are available at any time, day or night.