Fire, Health & Safety Procedures


Each building is fitted with detection systems, fire fighting equipment and emergency lighting to conform to Health and Safety (safety signs and signals) Regulations 1996 and Fire Precautions (workplace) Regulations 1997.

They operate a No Smoking Policy with the exception that tenants may smoke in their rooms within Burnfoot Hall.

The Fire Alarm is tested on a weekly basis and a written record is kept. A Fire Drill is held every three months and a record kept of any difficulties encountered and action taken to remedy.

An annual inspection of all Fire Extinguishers and the Fire Alarm system is carried out by an approved contractor and the premises are inspected annually by the Fire Service and Staff are trained in Fire Procedures.

Health & Safety

The company is committed to ensuring that its policies, procedures and practices promote a safe environment for all staff, service users and visitors.

Risk Assessment/Accidents/Incidents

The Company has carried out a risk assessment of all functions and practices on the premises, identified whether or not a hazard or potential hazard exists and rated the impact of the hazard as low, medium and high risk.

Control measures are in place to manage the hazards and may be seen in the full Policies and Procedures Manual.

All accidents, however minor are reported and recorded on an Accident/Incident Report Form and notified to the Manager or Senior member of staff on duty.

All First Aid given is recorded (including analgesics e.g. for headaches).

All Accident/Incident Records are inspected by the Care Inspectorate.